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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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Mario Power Tennis Nintendo GameCube
Mario vs. Donkey Kong [2011] Nintendo 3DS
Marvel Pinball [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 [2023] Sony PlayStation 5
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Masters of the Universe: He-Man Defender of Grayskull Sony PlayStation 2
Medal of Honor Frontline Microsoft XBOX
MediEvil: Ressurection Sony PlayStation Portable
Mega Man Battle Network [2001] Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Mega Man II Nintendo GameBoy
Metal Gear Solid 2; Sons of Liberty Sony PlayStation 2
Metal Slug 4 Sony PlayStation 2
Metroid [1988] Nintendo Entertainment System
Metroid Nintendo Wii
Metroid Fusion [2011] Nintendo 3DS
Mickey Mouse - Fantasia SEGA MegaDrive
Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament SEGA MegaDrive
Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition [2010] Sony PlayStation Portable
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition Remix Sony PlayStation 2
Midnight Club: Los Angeles Sony PlayStation 3