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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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1945 I & II: The Arcade Games [2004] Sony PlayStation 2
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom [1992] Nintendo Entertainment System
Aero Racer (mini) [2010] Sony PlayStation Portable
After Burner Climax [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Age of Zombies (mini) [2010] Sony PlayStation Portable
Airwolf [1988] Nintendo Entertainment System
Alex Kidd in Miracle World [1986] SEGA Master System
AlleywaY [1990] Nintendo GameBoy
Alundra [1998] Sony PlayStation
Animal Crossing: New Leaf [2013] Nintendo 3DS
Apocalypse [1997] Sony PlayStation
Armageddon Riders [2011] Sony PlayStation 3
Asphalt 3D [2011] Nintendo 3DS
Atlantis [1982] Atari 2600
Balloon Fight (Virtual Console) [2011] Nintendo 3DS
Barbarian [2002] Sony PlayStation 2
Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly [1991] Nintendo GameBoy
Batman [1990] Nintendo Entertainment System
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat [2005] Microsoft XBOX
Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Super Nintendo Entertainment System