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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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Mace: The Dark Age Nintendo 64
Mach Rider Nintendo Entertainment System
Mad Dog McCree [1990] Philips CDi
Madagascar Sony PlayStation 2
MadWorld Nintendo Wii
Mafia II [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Magic Orbz Sony PlayStation 3
Magical Tetris Challenge Nintendo 64
Marble Madness [1989] Nintendo Entertainment System
Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure [2006] Sony PlayStation 2
Mario & Yoshi Nintendo 3DS
Mario Kart 64 Nintendo 64
Mario Kart 7 Nintendo 3DS
Mario Kart 8 [2014] Nintendo Wii U
Mario Kart 8 DELUXE [2017] Nintendo Switch
Mario Kart DS Nintendo DS
Mario Kart Super Circuit Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Mario Kart Wii Nintendo Wii
Mario Kart: Double Dash Nintendo GameCube
Mario Paint [1992] Super Nintendo Entertainment System