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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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Blades of Thunder [2005] Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Blast Corps [1997] Nintendo 64
Bloodborne [2014] Sony PlayStation 4
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury [2001] Nintendo GameCube
Bo-Da-Dauso SEGA Dreamcast
Bobby is going home [1983] Atari 2600
Bomberman ULTRA [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Border Down [2003] SEGA Dreamcast
Borderlands [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Boulder Dash [1984] Nintendo Entertainment System
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! [2006] Nintendo DS
Breakquest (mini) [2009] Sony PlayStation Portable
Britney's Dance Beat [2002] Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Brute Force [2003] Microsoft XBOX
Bubble Bobble [1986] Nintendo Entertainment System
Bubsy in Claws Encouters of the Furred Kind [1993] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Bugs Bunny Blowout [1990] Nintendo Entertainment System
Bulls vs. Blazers and the NBA Playoffs [1992] Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Burai Fighter [1990] Nintendo Entertainment System
Burn Zombie Burn [2009] Sony PlayStation 3