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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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Balloon Fight (Virtual Console) [2011] Nintendo 3DS
Barbarian [2002] Sony PlayStation 2
Bart Simpson's Escape From Camp Deadly [1991] Nintendo GameBoy
Batman [1990] Nintendo Entertainment System
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat [2005] Microsoft XBOX
Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Bayonetta [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery [1995] PC
Beat Hazard Ultra [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Beaterator [2009] Sony PlayStation Portable
Beats (Powerpack) [2008] Sony PlayStation Portable
Bejeweled 2 [2011] Sony PlayStation 3
Beowulf [2007] Sony PlayStation 3
Big Brain Academy for Wii [2007] Nintendo Wii
Biohazard Battle [1992] SEGA MegaDrive
Bionic Commando [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Bionic Commando Rearmed [2008] Sony PlayStation 3
BioShock 2 [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Black [2006] Sony PlayStation 2
Black & White [2001] PC