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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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Resident Evil [2002] Nintendo GameCube
Retro Classics [2004] PC
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War Microsoft XBOX
Revenge of Shinobi, The SEGA MegaDrive
Robocop Nintendo Entertainment System
Robocop 2 Nintendo Entertainment System
Rush'n Attack [1989] Nintendo Entertainment System
Saints Row 2 [2008] Sony PlayStation 3
Saints Row IV: Gat out of Hell [2015] Sony PlayStation 4
Samba de Amigo Ver. 2000 SEGA Dreamcast
Scarface: Money, Power, Respect Sony PlayStation Portable
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Seaman [1999] SEGA Dreamcast
Secret Weapons over Normandy Microsoft XBOX
SEGA MegaDrive Ultimate Collection [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Sensible Soccer European Champions Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Shadow the Hedgehog Sony PlayStation 2
Shank [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Shift 2 Unleased Sony PlayStation 3
Silent Hill 3 [2003] Sony PlayStation 2