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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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PixelJunk Shooter [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
PlayStation Network: Powerpack [2008] Sony PlayStation Portable
Pokémon Gold Nintendo GameBoy
Pokémon LeafGreen Version Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Pokémon Puzzle League Nintendo 64
Pokemon Black Version 2 Nintendo DS
Pokemon Pinball [1999] Nintendo GameBoy Color
Pokemon White Version 2 [2012] Nintendo DS
Polar Express, The Nintendo GameCube
Pong Sony PlayStation
Populous: The Beginning Sony PlayStation
Primal Rage SEGA Saturn
Prince of Persia [2008] Sony PlayStation 3
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Sony PlayStation 2
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Sony PlayStation 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 [2009] Sony PlayStation 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
Pro Evolution Soccer 4 [2004] Microsoft XBOX
Project Gotham Racing Microsoft XBOX