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Retro Chronica

Retro Chronica

A website dedicated to wonderful memories of videogames.

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FIFA 08 [2007] Sony PlayStation 3
FIFA 09 [2008] Sony PlayStation 3
FIFA 11 [2010] Sony PlayStation 3
FIFA 2001 Sony PlayStation 2
FIFA 2003 [2002] Nintendo GameCube
FIFA Football 2005 Microsoft XBOX
FIFA Soccer 95 SEGA MegaDrive
FIFA Soccer 96 SEGA Saturn
FIFA Soccer 97 [1996] SEGA Saturn
FIFA Street Sony PlayStation 2
Fifa Street 3 [2008] Sony PlayStation 3
FIFA99 Nintendo 64
Fighting Force 64 [1999] Nintendo 64
Final Fantasy [2005] Sony PlayStation Portable
Final Fantasy Sony PlayStation Portable
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls Nintendo GameBoy Advance
Final Fantasy II Sony PlayStation Portable
Final Fantasy IX [2001] Sony PlayStation
Final Fantasy VII [1998] Sony PlayStation
Final Fantasy VII PC